Get to know us

Nothing special; the introduction is like that of a wanderer. I was born in Nimgahna village, Jhansi city, Uttar Pradesh. I studied in the village until class five. Then, I studied from 6 to 10 in Sultanpur.I did both MBBS and MD from Kanpur Medical College, but now the meaning of life and work both are on the holy land of Veerangana. Perhaps the new definition of my existence is to be written here.

I still feel the fragrance of the village soil inside me. I don't remember much about my childhood, but a lot is hidden somewhere.My existence began with affinity, from that soil and my mother's lap. Even today, if there is peace anywhere, it is only in the lap of these two. Today, Jhansi is my workplace. Jhansi not only gave me love, affinity, and security of life; it gave me everything that has made me Dr. Vinod Sahu today. My existence is indebted to both the land of work and the land of my birth.

Dr. Vinod Sahu MBBS,MD

The sun is my inspiration and it is also the basis of existence of this universe, which is continuously heating up and giving us the energy that makes our life and its activities possible.Whenever I look at the sun, I feel a part of him in myself, which is Aditya. He can never leave his work because his burning is the life of others.I also try to reduce the suffering of others' lives and to continue their lives without any physical pain.

The incident that changed my whole life was when Dinesh, Sanjay, Manoj, and Mahpal Singh, my childhood friends from the village, and I were playing one day. This incident is something important in my life. Dinesh and I collided while playing, and both of us got hurt. Dinesh started crying, and I was also feeling like crying. I was hurt a lot, but I didn't cry. Then, my mother came there and put her hand on my head.pacified Dinesh, then we went home. After going home, mother said that you are really brave. Then I said to my mother, is it bravery not to cry when you hurt, then mother said that bravery is to face every situation without fear and try to make it good.That was the only thing that changed my whole way of thinking. Ever since then, I have faced her in every situation I have encountered, tried to change it, and never complained.Because I still love that bravery tag, sometimes a small thing can change our whole life.

The day in March 1993 that changed my life. My one small success allowed me to write a new story in my existence. Now I could become not only brave, but a brave doctor.Everything had changed that day, my loved ones and I too. It was a moment of pride, not only for me, but for my family, my village, and my bravery tag.

My companion, Dr. Umesh Prajapati, and I were both born into medical studies together, grew up together, and it is a very happy coincidence. He is still a part of my past.Along with Umesh, the rest of the friends are also remembered fondly.

It is with great appreciation that we remember my professor, Dr. Rakesh Chandra, renowned for his strict discipline and punctuality. He has achieved tremendous success in the medical field,Having earned an eminent position among his peers, his dedication to excellence and commitment to upholding the highest standards of work have made him a role model for colleagues, students, and others professionals alike.

Professor Dr. Aarti Lalchandani was always with us in every problem and had an excellent, over-helpful personality.We have all come across someone in our lives who had a personality that was uniquely special and quite different from the rest of us.She has been a great source of comfort for students during difficult times, and her presence can be felt everywhere.

Health is a complex and dynamic concept that challenges us to lead healthier lives; it is influenced by our lifestyle, environment, and genetics.For most of us, health is something we take for granted - until it starts to slip away. With the world becoming increasingly connected through technology and the pace of life growing ever faster, maintaining a healthy balance has become more difficult than ever.

With the ever-changing advancements in health and wellness, it can be difficult to keep up with the best advice for taking care of our bodies. We will provide an overview of how patients with diabetes can maintain their heart health, stay fit and navigate a healthy lifestyle. We’ll discuss the importance of diet, exercise, medication and alternative treatments to help manage diabetes.